Record Food
use the camera to record all the food You eat. quickly list ingredients. track all ingredients over time.
Record Mood
use Mood Value Sliders to record details about Your mood. track up to twelve unique Mood Values and see them change on the Mood Graph.
✔ Recording Reminders
set up reminders and record Your mood after eating
✔ ReSearch Food Stats
learn which foods give You positive moods
✔ ReSearch Mood Stats
see Your moods as positive or negative over a time range
✔ ReSearch Eating Times
see at what time of day You usually eat
✔ Mood Graph
observe Your moods fluctuate
The Book Included
enjoy reading the accompanying book right within the app, the FOOD & MOOD book called "the book" written by Your Headless Standup Programmer.
ii wanted to be able to control random health issues and mood swings. in order to be able to do that ii needed to track how ii felt after ii ate so ii could pin point the wrong foods. ii stood up and coded my self a program that helps me do that, but not just that, it is also calculating which foods give me positive moods and is fun to use.
tracking the food You eat has never been this fast. after a week of diligent recording You can already see what You eat most. find out what food is always followed by a negative mood. find out Your average mood. take a look at Your eating times.
whether You are just recording what You eat for fun or to find out the cause of a chronic disease, food & mood can help You with both and show You the right food for the desired mood.
read "the book", learn about the ideas behind the app, how it came to be, why is it here for You.
Miha Plohl
Your "Headless" Standup Programmer
December 6 2012